BIOVANCE is an allograft-material made from donated human tissue-used as a covering that supports the repair of damaged tissue. BIOVANCE is derived from the inner lining of the human placenta, which helps nourish a baby during pregnancy. The placentas used in the manufacture of BIOVANCE are donated by consenting women ...
Biovance 3L Ocular
What is a Corneal Ulcer or Abrasion? A condition in which inflammation of the outermost layer of the eye results in pain. Corneal ulcers can occur from direct injury to the eye, or from a bacterial, fungal, or viral infection. Common symptoms include:
Tissue damage may make it difficult to enjoy the activities you love. Exercising, participating in hobbies, or simply getting around can be difficult. Now there is a treatment that allows your body to replace and supplement damaged tissue for a long term solution. Get back to living the life you ...